
Duilio Forte

With Duilio Forte, poetry and art enter the world of design.

The Italian-Swedish architect-artist explores anthropic space by contaminating it with Nordic myths and legends, thus reinterpreting the relationship between man and nature in a fantastic key, through suggestive installations. His projects and works, brought to life in the AtelierFORTE, range from land art and architecture to sculpture and design, passing through drawing, painting, photography and video art. A multidisciplinary approach, functional to the creation of a new expressive style, which has animated events such as the Venice Biennale and Milan Triennial. Based on three-dimensionality, his zoomorphic creations and ephemeral structures are an antidote to triviality and convention.

Duilio Forte met Azzurra Ceramica in 2016 during the exhibition entitled “Stanze. Altre filosofie dell’abitare”, hosted in the spaces of the 21st Milan Triennial. Together, they created the Ursus washbasin, the highest expression of design on demand.

Products made entirely of ceramic characterised by simple, linear aesthetic lines that make them true designer furnishings. A mix of technology, design and production quality with a typically Made in Italy taste but with a special focus on foreign markets. Come and discover our products!